Sexual Harassment & Assault
Survivors of sexual assault and sexual harassment can have lifelong scars and can be left feeling powerless.
Edwards Beightol understands how important it is for survivors to get justice and tell their story. We also understand that survivors usually require extensive mental health, and sometimes physical, treatment that is financially out of reach. We help survivors of sexual assault and sexual harassment get the compensation — and the justice — they deserve.
The team at Edwards Beightol has spent years representing survivors of sexual assault and sexual harassment. We know how important it is to believe in our clients. We know how important it is to hold accountable not only the attackers, but the companies and organizations that empower them. If you or someone you love has been sexually assaulted or harassed, we may be able to help.
What is a civil claim for sexual harassment or assault?
A claim of sexual harassment or assault can arise in a number of different ways. You do not have to have a criminal conviction to have a successful sexual harassment or assault claim. Occasionally, sexual abusers act alone. Often, sexual harassment and sexual assault occur because an organization has created an environment that allows it to occur. When a company or institution permits and protects sexual abusers, we hold them accountable. Sexual harassment or assault claims can be brought against:
Employers (when the harassment occurred at work or a work-related event)
Rideshare companies like Uber® and Lyft®
Property owners who fail to provide safe premises
University organizations
Sports organizations
Children’s programs
Schools and extracurricular programs
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What damages can you claim?
Damages from sexual trauma can be long-lasting and severe.
From physical pain and medical expenses to the deep emotional impact of sexual violence, the cost of recovery can be quite large. Through a civil claim, you can seek monetary compensation for these damages.
Common damages from sexual assault, abuse or harassment include:
Inpatient treatment
Psychiatric medications
Addiction treatment
Pain and suffering
Emotional distress
Urgent care or emergency room visits
Ongoing medical treatment
Treatment for pain
Sexually transmitted disease tests and treatment
Unwanted pregnancy (even if it was terminated)
In a sexual harassment or abuse claim, you can also ask for lost wages and costs associated with your legal fees.
What if the sexual abuse occurred years ago?
Many times, due to the circumstances surrounding the sexual violence, survivors of sexual assault or sexual abuse do not come forward right away. This can be because of the emotional and psychological toll that the trauma takes, the power the abuser holds, the age of the victim or a combination of factors.
Why contact an attorney immediately?
It is important that you contact an attorney immediately if you believe you may have a sexual harassment, sexual abuse or sexual assault claim. There are deadlines within which claims must be filed or the right to file them is lost forever. Evidence can also disappear if you do not have an attorney to help you preserve it. For these reasons, contact an attorney today to review your claim. Waiting even one day can be the difference between having a claim that you can pursue and being barred from pursuing that very same claim.