Camp Lejeune Justice Act Updates
What is Happening With the Camp Lejeune Claims?
Some Political Pressure Has Been Applied
On May 17, 2023, Senators Tedd Budd, Thom Tillis, Mike Braun and several U.S. House members authored a joint letter to the Secretary of the Navy and the U.S. Attorney General regarding the status of the Camp Lejeune Justice Act Claims. They began the letter by stating their concern regarding “reported delays in settling claims and lawsuits filed by veterans, military personnel, and their families related to injuries associated with water contamination at Camp Lejeune Marine Corps Base in Jacksonville, North Carolina”.
The representatives went on to encourage the Navy and the Attorney General to recognize the importance of working quickly and efficiently to resolve the claims without unnecessary delay. Additionally, they outlined specific questions regarding the status of claims and filing and demanded answers by June 9, 2023.
You can find the letter here: https://www.budd.senate.gov/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/Budd-Letter-to-SecNavy-and-AG-Garland-RE-Camp-Lejeune-Claim-Delays.pdf
The Camp Lejeune Justice Act was passed on August 10, 2022, and its language provides for a time limit of two years from its passing for claims to be filed. As of August 15, 2023, approximately 93,000 claims had been filed under the CLJA and approximately 1,100 Federal lawsuits. However, since we have barely crossed the threshold of the halfway point for the filing deadline, both the numbers of claims filed as well as federal lawsuits is anticipated to grow.
In August of 2023 the Department of the Navy released the following statement:
“The Department of the Navy (DON) remains committed to addressing the claims of our service members, civilian employees, their families, and others who may have been harmed by exposure to contaminated water at Marine Corps base Camp Lejeune. Over 80,000 claims have been filed under the Camp Lejeune Justice Act of 2022 (CLJA), and the Navy has initiated processing of more than 17,000 claims. We are pursuing information technology solutions to improve claims processing, and a new unit with a projected staff of over 100 claims professionals was established within the Navy’s office of the Judge Advocate General to focus solely on adjudicating CLJA claims. The Department of Justice and the Department of Navy are working to develop an early-resolution framework for the CLJA claims. This framework will supplement other mechanisms for resolving claims currently available through the normal administrative claims process or litigation and will provide a voluntary, expedited option for those interested. Our aim is that this framework will be finalized soon so that those impacted can quickly receive relief.”
On May 23, 2023, Florida Senator Rubio also wrote his own letter to the Navy concerning the lack of resolution of the Camp Lejeune Claims. Some of the statements he made in that address are that “it is unacceptable that those impacted by the contaminated water are stuck in a bureaucratic waiting game” and “these delays in claims are adding even more insult to injury for veterans”. You can find that letter here: https://www.rubio.senate.gov/rubio-demands-action-for-camp-lejeune-victims/
Some Judicial Pressure Has Been Applied
The four judges of the Eastern District of North Carolina are the judicial officials overseeing the litigation regarding the CLJA. They are the ones who stand to inherit the thousands of CLJA cases onto their dockets when they move to litigation. On July 19, 2023, those judges released an order selecting attorneys to form a seven-member leadership committee, as well as other lawyers to serve as co-lead counsel. Per the order, those attorneys have been asked to manage settlement talks, deal with issues regarding discovery, communicating with other attorneys and the public about the cases, among other tasks. Additionally, a government liaison has been selected by the judges to communicate with the Navy and the Justice Department. Both the judges and the attorneys hope that the appointment of these leadership positions will serve to significantly accelerate the progress of these claims. You can find the text of the order here: https://www.nced.uscourts.gov/pdfs/Order_CampLejeuneWL.pdf
What We Are Doing
At Edwards and Beightol we continue to stay on top of the latest information regarding the Justice Act, the suits filed under the Justice Act, and public and private commentary and explanation of updates regarding the law and findings. We continue to listen to veterans and affected civilians regarding their injuries, losses, and pain and suffering at the hands of the LeJeune water contamination. We continue to seek justice for those who thirsted only to serve their country, only to find themselves potentially poisoned.
If either you or someone you know and care about was exposed to the toxins in the water found at Camp LeJeune during the timespan of 1953-1987, please contact our office to receive guidance about the possible pursuit of a claim related to the personal injury you may have received in connection with your exposure.
As always, at Kellum Law and Edwards and Beightol we stand ready to be your voice, your counsel, and your method of receiving protection and justice.
For further information regarding the issues described above, please contact J. Bryan Boyd or Jennifer L. Crawford.
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