Camp Lejeune Justice Act FAQ
We hear some of the same questions repeatedly involving the Camp Lejeune Justice Act Claims (CLJA). We are sure that many of you may be wondering the same things, but just have not had an opportunity to ask them:
If I receive a CLJA settlement award, will that reduce my VA Disability payments?If I am filing a CLJA claim for someone who has passed away, why do I have to file an estate?Where do I file an estate?After I file the estate, do I have to do anything else?How Do You Reopen A Closed Estate?What illnesses and injuries are presumed to be connected to the water contamination?If my loved one impacted by Camp Lejeune water contamination has died, can a claim still be made for damages?What if I pass away before the claim is resolved. What will happen to my claim?Why are we filing a claim with the Navy if Lejeune is a Marine Base?Who do I contact if I have a question?If I didn't file mmy CLJA claim by August 2023, have I missed my chance?